Designing Schools

Designing Schools:The Future is a Place We Create

join the screening waitlist. releases SEPTEMBER 7TH.


Designing Schools: The Future is a Place We Create

Do you ever wonder:
"Is there another way to do school?"

Industry leaders who say the time to reimagine schools is now.

Seth Godin

Erik Brynjolfsson

Devin Vodicka

Duncan Wardle

Best Selling Author
Founder AltMBA

Author | Director
Stanford Digital Economy Lab

Learner-Centered Collaborative

Former Head of Innovation at Disney

Parents who wonder is there a different way to do school?

Bob Doustdar

Casey Meeter

Sai Narain

Harshal Purohit-Patel

Becky O’Day

And a group of educators who show us how using design thinking.

So...What is Design Thinking?
Learning from Failure
Problem Finding
Navigate Ambiguity
Design thinking is a human-centered framework.
A unique method that teaches both skills and mindsets. Used by top companies like IBM, Google, Apple, SAP and more.

A 2-year research study showed design thinking prepares learners with the skills today's world demands.

Design thinking is a human-centered framework. A unique method that teaches both skills and mindsets. Used by top companies like IBM, Google, Apple, SAP and more.

A 2-year research study showed design thinking prepares learners with the skills today's world demands.

Are you ready to create a culture of creativity and collaboration at your school with design thinking?

The documentary will inspire you and your community, spark curiosity, and have wondering: "What can I do next?"

How will you bring the change to your school you want to see?

When you host a screening you'll also have access to a private community of leaders ready to use design thinking to create clarity and alignment to create the change they want to see.  

Bring a design thinking workshop to you

Community of Practitioners. Leading change can be lonely. Join leaders who want to move from idea to impact with design thinking.  You'll have access to an exclusive group facing with similar challenges that you can lean on as you create and amplify opportunities across your school. 

License to Screen. You'll have a license to  hold viewings. 

Discussion Guide. We'll share a set of questions to engage your audience in a conversation about reimagining what's possible in schools, along with a mini design thinking experience to facilitate. 

Designing Schools: From Trust to Transformation

When Google launched Project Aristotle to learn what qualities make a great team they learned it was creating a culture of trust and psychological safety. As Amy Edmonson reminds us, if we don’t feel safe saying “I don’t know” or trying new things, we fail before we can even start.

Module 1: Trust and psychological safety

You'll Also Get Access to the Course

We've created a mini-course to guide you in using design thinking. Design thinking is not just a one and done experience.
You'll learn our 5 steps to create sustainable change at your institution.

Great teams have a culture of trust and psychological safety.

Einstein famously said, “If I had an hour I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about the solution. Before we can create solutions we need clarity about the problem we are trying to solve, and the opportunity we are curious about.

Module 2: creating clarity

Everyone has ideas, very few can turn ideas into impact.

It's a line many leaders quote because you recognize that the success of your idea rests upon the strengths of your team. When everyone is aligned toward a shared vision, we create a culture where people have the autonomy, mastery, and purpose to DRIVE toward the shared vision.

Module 3: creating alignment

Have you heard Peter Drucker say, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

As Steve Jobs shares, “Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Now that you have a culture where people trust each other and feel safe, they have clarity about what needs to be done, and they are aligned, it’s time to prioritize how you will reach your goals. We know what we want someday, but what will we do on Monday to get there?

Module 4: Creating priorities

It's time to move from having ideas to creating impact.

The moment ideas and plans move from post-its and docs to real life, is the moment we often freeze. In these moments, alongside our dreams, we must honor our fears and remember that we're all great at something, but we can't be great at everything. Together you'll have created a strong culture of innovation, grounded in empathy, ready to move from ideas to impact.

Module 5: creating a plan

Nelson Mandela taught us, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but triumph over it."

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