Learn how to effectively use LinkedIn to showcase your unique skills and experience, discover new opportunities, and stand out as a thought leader in your field while making new, impactful connections.
This is why it’s so important for you to share your ideas with the world.
Creating a clear direction and vision for a school, helps to align the efforts of all stakeholders toward common goals and objectives.
Leaders aren't just defined by their title
did you know:
their organization in their current position by sharing what they are doing, and recognizing others.
their personal brand by sharing their ideas and learnings, and setting the stage for new opportunities
LinkedIn is a great way to create a professional online presence that showcases your skills, experience, and accomplishments. It can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, and attract new opportunities for professional development and advancement.
It’s a professional networking platform that can open doors you never thought were possible.
If you said YES to any of the above, then LinkedIn is the best place to invest your time and effort in 2023.
the linkedin leader
This course is designed to help you become a transformational leader within your organization and beyond by building trust, encouraging creativity, recognizing accomplishments,
and inspiring a shared vision.
Create a positive school culture that is supportive, inclusive, and everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
you can't visit every class, but you can share posts that recognize the work happening across your organization
You'll build a Build a strong, effective team of educational leaders WHO ARE DEDICATED, TALENTED, AND CAPABLE
who will WORK TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE SHARED GOALS and tell your story
Be recognized as an effective leader, both within your school and district, and in the border education community.
Continue to grow professionally and learn new skills
stay current with the latest trends, research, and technologies in education
position yourself as a consultant and speaker, ready to train a new generation of leaders
It's a portfolio and a network all in one.
No one wants to be told how to create content and share ideas. LinkedIn is the only place where you have complete choice. From text, to audio, to documents, to video and everything in between, YOU decide how to create and share your expertise.
It's where the world of work lives.
The best part of LinkedIn is that there also isn’t pressure for content creation! Even comments count as content, and, in fact, are preferred on LinkedIn, so your time commitment is limited, but your impact is endless.
This post got:
1000+ likes and 181 reposts!
This is not unusual for LinkedIn.
Sharing your unique expertise and experience online makes a difference.
Leadership is influence.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool to utilize in your professional and personal life:
With The LinkedIn Leader
You Will:
BONUS: Resources and Templates, including a DM template to start meaningful conversations and a short-form video guide so feel confident showing up on camera
BONUS: You’ll also receive a FREE LICENSE to share with ONE student! You can gift this course to anyone from age 14-22 to help them take control of their future.
Through December 2023, you will also receive live monthly Q&A calls with me to answer any questions about LinkedIn and Leadership!
I believe you can make an impact in your organization and think about what's next.
You don't have to choose.
You can do both.
Hi, I'm Dr. Sabba Quidwai
get access to:
+ Instructional video modules on LinkedIn and Leadership
+ For the duration of 2023, monthly Q&A office hours
+ BONUS: Creating with Canva, resources, and templates
+ BONUS: License to share with ONE student
*Volume pricing is available for schools and extracurricular programs.
Contact us to learn more.
All of my best and life changing relationships began online. Whether it's a simple tweet, a DM or an email. It always begins and ends with the relationships we create.
Each week I'll send the skills and strategies you need to build your human advantage in an AI world straight to your inbox.
As Simon Sinek Says:
"Alone is hard. Together is better."