Designing Schools

Social Influence

How to Create an Avenue to Autonomy with Your Personal Brand

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Why Now Is The Time To Develop Your Personal Brand

It’s hard to believe that it’s 2021 and that creating a personal brand isn’t an integrated part of the educational experience for all learners. One of the quotes I reflect on often is from author William Gibson:

The future is here. It just isn’t evenly distributed.

Willliam Gibson

Today’s guest believes we can democratize more access and exposure to opportunities through the development of a personal brand. She’s not alone.

Here’s an excerpt from Seth Godin:

The internet shines a light on your projects and the only way to prove that you are indispensable – someone worth recruiting, moving to the top of the pile and hiring, is to show, not tell. Projects are the new resume.  If your Google search isn’t what you (need) it to be, then change it.  Change it through your actions and generosity.  Change it by so over-delivering that people post about you.  Change it by creating a blog that is so insightful about your area of expertise that others refer to it. This investment in your personal brand, your portfolio pays dividends for years to come.

Meet Brittany Krystle

Regardless of where you are in your personal branding journey, today’s guest, entrepreneur, personal branding and growth expert Brittany Krystle joins us to share the endless possibilities to what we can create for ourselves through strategically positioning ourselves online so that we can create a more equal distribution where everyone has access to opportunities the world has to offer.

Brittany Krystle is a former lawyer turned personal branding expert, proud Latina, entrepreneur, and the host of the top-rated business podcast, Beyond Influential. Brittany’s experience is unlike anyone else’s in the personal brand space. Her years of hands-on work behind the scenes building brand for some of the heaviest hitters online, including Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo & Tom Bilyeu, allowed her to develop a replicable process that she has now used to build her own profitable personal brand, as well as teach countless entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and influencers how to do it for themselves.

Her platform has impacted hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs on how to build an authentic brand online so they can create the real-life results they want in their life and business – effectively, efficiently, and on their own terms. Known for giving trusted, actionable advice on how to build an influential brand online and for having in-depth conversations with leaders and tastemakers in a variety of industries about how they established their own influence, Brittany has been featured in publications like Thrive Global and on top-rated podcasts like The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast and Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast.

No matter where you are in your journey Brittany is here to share the tools and strategies to grow your influence, your trust with your audience and position your personal brand to get the results you want and I couldn’t be more excited to share her expertise with you today. 

In This Episode We Discuss:

    • Why the traditional narrative of the school to career pathway is broken and how Brittany went from being a lawyer to an entrepreneur
    • The relationship and cycle between creation and clarity
    • Strategies students can use to leverage LinkedIn as a portfolio to showcase your work and build a professional network
    • The skills and mindsets that GenZ should enhance and develop during their academic career during the pandemic and beyond
    • Why clarity is a journey and not a goal
    • The relationship between social influence and trust
    • How a personal brand can create more broadly shared prosperity

To learn more you can connect with Brittany on Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Pinterest | and of course on Clubhouse: @brittanykrystle.

Listen in now to the latest episode

I’m Sabba.

I believe that the future should be designed. Not left to chance.

Over the past decade, using design thinking practices I've helped schools and businesses create a culture of innovation where everyone is empowered to move from idea to impact, to address complex challenges and discover opportunities. 

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