Designing Schools


Don’t Make a Living, Design a Life: Is College the Best Pathway for You with Jordan Paris

Is college worth it? It’s a question being asked across the United States. To provide some insight into this decision meet Jordan Paris. His mantra is don’t make a living, design a life. This isn’t coming from an individual who is reflecting back upon their life and sharing advice. This is coming from 22 year old Jordan Paris. Jordan is designing a life that most would envy. In this episode Jordan shares his story and strategies for transition from making a living to designing a life. 

Who Is Jordan Paris?

Jordan is an author, entrepreneur and podcaster who has been featured in Forbes, Men’s Health, NASDAQ and many others. We talk about the importance of cultivating a growth mindset and Jordan lives this practice as the host of Growth Mindset University. His podcast ranks in the top ten in a number of competitive categories not just in the United States but worldwide. His guests include James Altucher, Grant Cardone, Mark Manson, Naveen Jain and Dan Lok, and later this year he is giving his first Ted Talk. Jordan also just released another book, “The Winning Game Plan to Build an Audience and Make Money as a Podcaster.”

Jordan’s story could be the motivation and advice someone needs to begin step one in designing their life, so we hope you will share this episode far and wide because .

In this episode Jordan shares:

  • His journey as an entrepreneur and why he believes college could be a waste of your time
  • The opportunities young people have today and why he wrote, “The Podcast Playbook.”
  • How he created a top ranking podcast with some of the most coveted guests as a college student?
  • Why he wrote, “The Podcast Playbook: The Winning Game Plan to Build an Audience and Make Money as a Podcaster,” and why it can help you.
  • The topic of his upcoming Ted Talk and why he hopes it is the start of a movement.

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Jordan Paris. As always we’d love if you tag us online and share your thoughts and takeaways. 

To learn more about Jordan you can visit his website here, or connect with Jordan on LinkedIn and Instagram. You can purchase The Podcast Playbook: here and definitely subscribe to Growth Mindset University

You can connect with me, Sabba on LinkedInInstagram and Twitter @AskMsQ or visit my website

I’m Sabba.

I believe that the future should be designed. Not left to chance.

Over the past decade, using design thinking practices I've helped schools and businesses create a culture of innovation where everyone is empowered to move from idea to impact, to address complex challenges and discover opportunities. 

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designing schools

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