Designing Schools


Disrupting the World of Work: How Might We Work Better Together

The World of Work is Changing… Now What?

Now that many of us are set up in our remote work environments… what comes next? As the world transitions to a new way of working Ross Chapman, head of Etch Sprints, a design consultancy within Etch Group, is curious about how might we use this crisis to work better together. In this week’s episode Ross shares why the world of work is ripe for disruption and why the opportunity is now for you to make a difference. Ross has been preparing leaders and organizations in how to work remotely in a global and connected world pre pandemic.

Ross believes that from leadership to collaboration to accountability and everything in between, through design we can emerge stronger in our organizations and use this time to grow.

In this episode Ross shares:

  • Why the world of work is broken and how you can make the most of this opportunity
  • Strategies and examples of how he helps teams work better together that you can integrate into your organization 
  • How to redesign meetings to deepen collaboration amongst teams
  • How to redesign meetings so that we can address three critical questions – how we can plan together? How can we plan what is coming next? How can we manage the relationships with our customers in this new world?
  • The relationship between design thinking and design sprints
  • Why he still considers himself a student and a lifelong learner and what new graduates should be focusing on as they enter the workforce

Meet Ross Chapman

Ross Chapman is an Experience Design Consultant and Sprint Master from radical business consultancy Etch. Ross runs the popular Google Global Remote Sprint Chapter, is a seasoned workshop trainer and has personally run over 50 design sprints and training workshops. He partners with teams within businesses to execute strategies to work on the pressures that are facing the company and train people on better ways of solving problems. Ross has written articles for the InVision blog, Net Magazine and UX Planet. He also presents the Etch Podcast, tackling subjects about organizational transformation and executing change.

I hope you all enjoy my conversation with Ross Chapman, and as always we’d love if you tag us online and share your thoughts and takeaways. 

I’m Sabba.

I believe that the future should be designed. Not left to chance.

Over the past decade, using design thinking practices I've helped schools and businesses create a culture of innovation where everyone is empowered to move from idea to impact, to address complex challenges and discover opportunities. 

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designing schools

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